Thursday, June 5, 2008

the results

Heather asked if I had looked at the Chinese baby gender prediction chart... and no... I haven't. TILL NOW! According to the chart- we are having a girl! According to Julie and her witchdoctor friend.. we are having a boy! So, just like I thought- BOY/GIRL TWINS! Its such a relief to know :) haha..
Oh, and if you don't already read my sister's blog- i know a lot of my friends do, you HAVE to look at the Konchar family blog with the pictures of Tommy and the vasaline incident. I keep on thinking about the pictures and laughing all throughout the day.


Julie K said...

So what is mother's chinese age? Regular age plus 1? I find this sort of thing very fun and entertaining. It's total crap, you know, but intriguing.

the binghams. said...

i know, i know... i don't know why it says chinese age. on the website it just said age at time of conception. (23) and it was in march. = girl. check it with your 5 kids and we'll see!!!!

Jaquilyn Shumate said...

That's so funny! I love stuff like this. In middle school I had a card that told me what boy I was compatible with according to the month he was born. It fit in my wallet like a credit card and I would rely on it all the time. I know, geek.
Boy or girl it will be so exciting to have a little one around!! You are due a few weeks after Lindsay!

the binghams. said...

lindsay like evan and lindsay??? NO WAY!!! thats cool. and that is so funny about middle-school Jaq. I wish I knew you then. you are awesome.

Jaquilyn Shumate said...

Yes!!! Lindsay and Evan MacDonald! I am so JEALOUS I am not going to be around all these babies in Rexburg!! It's not fair! Well, maybe it's a good thing, I'd probably end up knocked up! hahaha. just kidding. Yea so you guys will have to hang out more in the fall!!! fun. not fair. I miss you!! I wish I knew you too back in the day. With your "classy" style.. ;)

Julie K said...

Wow. This thing appears to be amazingly accurate. And here I was doubting. Silly me! Well, this is going to be a bit tricky, on account of how many kids I've popped out. So I think Chinese age is your American age plus 1. Sid, conceived in Mar, when I was 24 or 25 produces B and B. So dead on there. Calvin, May, 27 or 28, G and G. Wrong. Josie and Jon ought to be interesting. Dec. 29 or 30, G and B. Of course, this chart wasn't made for twins (or hermaphrodite babies). I am unable to calculate for Tommy because I was 34 when I conceived him and your chart doesn't go that high. Age-ist!

Emily said...

Julie isn't the only one with a mess for a child...
Go there and look at the second pic. Its my cousin's baby! oh and congrat's on the twins!!

the binghams. said...

oh that was funny em- like a pink face mask. kids are adorable. i can say that because we don't have any yet :) and julie... i really don't think its plus one. did you research that or something? try it with not adding one. just time at conception. love you bye!

Julie K said...

I did that! That was what the whole two numbers and gender letters were about! Anywho, I remember that Chinese people say the time spent in the womb is counted towards your age, 9 months, a year, what's the difference? So that is why the chart says "Chinese age", rather than "age". Look it up, I think I am right. It happens!

the binghams. said...

ok... i get it. <3 you. i am going to call you today. today is THE day- get excited and don't beat me to it.