Saturday, January 31, 2009

week 4.

don't worry. you don't have to comment. oh wait, you probably weren't going to anyways... I'm going to try to not care that no one comments on daphne posts anymore. i'm sure you're just a little tired of it but that isn't going to deter me from posting her weekly update. i know at least 2 grandmas that really like to see new pictures of her. So here you go Nana and Grammy- this post is for you! (oh and Julie too, she is a faithful supported and commenter of the daphne posts)

right now "I am the walrus" is projecting from the record player. but Daphne's moto this week is: I am the reindeer. My mom bought her this cute little reindeer suit thinking she would be born before Christmas (didn't we all...) but its still cute even though its January, nearly February. Plus, its really easy to get her in and out which is super nice so she's been wearing it a lot lately and everytime she does, i think she is adorable and take lots of pictures. so here she is.. our reindeer.
I know.. she's huge. don't tell me, i'll just start crying.

her arm is making a shadow which really ruined this picture- but i can't get over her eyes, they are gorgeous- no matter what color they end up being.

i just love this expression.

OK so maybe I dressed her up in her little suit one too many times.

daphne is quite dramatic. here she is napping on nic's arm. don't cross her when she's hungry either.

I really can't believe she's a month old. Maybe its all this "baby weight" i'm still carrying around or maybe i'm just in denial that she is growing up and getting bigger every day. its been a great week though- she is seriously the cutest.


Ashley Wray said...

Sorry for being not the greatest commenter lately! I just don't know if you'll get sick of me saying how adorable she is (yeah right, being a mom, that never gets old!) Love all the expressions, especially the drama queen nap position!

janellybelle said...

Ohhhh how sweet! What an adorable little reindeer! Her eyes are beautiful!! And the crying picture couldn't be cuter! I love seeing weekly pictures of her while she's growing. Every stage is so much fun, soon she'll be rolling over and you'll be so excited at her accomplishment! Love, Grammy

Julie K said...

...I was about to get my feelings hurt...until I got my holla. You can lump me in the category of the grandmas. I don't mind. I feel that same "I adore her" feeling they do, and also that "I get to adore her without all the work" that comes with grandma love too.

She is so cute! And I'm thinking strawberry blonde. And blue. Whoda thunk, huh? That is why I couldn't stop having babies, I just kept wondering who would show up next.

I remember never being excited for the next stage of Sid's life, because of the heartache of knowing he was growing up. Sounds like you are the same. What advanced mommys we are. Most new moms are rushing on to the next stage but not us. Because we are so smarty.

Keep up with the updates.

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

okay... I'm sorry I don't comment. But let me just tell you, every time you post more pictures I go "ohhh Brooks, more Daphne!" I promise. I will try to be a better friend. I love the reindeer suit! So funny. My favorite is the one where she looks TICKED.

JohnandMyrica said...

I'm glad you do weekly updates. We love Daphne pictures! It's so fun to see how she changes each week. She's absolutely beautiful!

Emily Kate said...

I LOVE the Daphne pictures and updates! I can't get enough. Love this big beautiful eyes.

And btw I don't think I commented on the Daphne post last week because I'd already commented on the photos on facebook! Ha!