Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All the way from San Francisco...

Hi everyone...
Ima make a blog cuz i never do, so Kirsten said i got this one. So we went to SF this last weekend. This time we traveled with some friends - Oscar and Lenin - they both work with me..well not anymore cuz today was my last day! (Hells yes) Throughout the summer I was supposed to give out incentive money and I saved up a little through the summer and then in August, saved all of it. That came to like 640$ i think? So we got to spend it all on this gnarly trip.
The first pictures are of our homey Lenin breaking the glass bottle that we kept the money in.
The nex one is with the skrilla in ma draws.
Then when we ate our first meal of the trip at Denny's there was this sign and we thought it was great cuz Kirsten was so hungry.
Then Im standing on some trees on Telegraph Hill.
Awesome. So we love the Mission District(want to move there) and we were hanging out there one night after seeing this guy get arrested at this Salvadorian restaurant we had dinner at, we were walking down this street and this dude goes up to a toilet, exactly like the one in the next picture, but at night, and drunk, and he was yelling: what?! you have to put a quarter in this M-Fer just to piss in it!? HAHA Highlight of the night I would say.
Then also on the trip Kirsten hurt her feet really bad walking all day and this is a map on the side of said toilet showing the distance of our venture. We wanted to go to the exploratorium but were almost there just to find that it was closed. so then we walked back, so we made this distance twice for part of the day.
The rest are just some pictures I took of San Francisco and the Coit Tower.


the binghams. said...

it is really unfortunate for Lenin that he was cursed with a purple face. nice kid though.

the binghams. said...

sorry everyone lenin is purple...i tried to fix it and its confusing and i decided to just leave it, sorry,

My Five Little Monkeys said...

So now we can't even be purple without people judging? You racist colorists.

Carrie S. said...

Sorry we didn't get to say goodbye before you left. We will miss you and don't be strangers, mmkkayy?

Jacob said...

the Mission District? Check out Portland's Pearl District. Maybe that's more affordable right now. I've only been there once, don't know what it's really like, could be full of murderers in nice condos.

Seth said...

I am kind of with the drunk guy, what if you didn't have a quarter? It looks super cool though.

the binghams. said...

yeah i went in one and it was like i was at a club....only cuz i could barely see the only light was a really dim blue light