Tuesday, August 26, 2008

21 weeks

Oh Julie! I thought you'd never ask!
Here is the size of our baby this week- 10.5 inches (about half or less of what he or she will be at birth) and the length of a carrot! Yesterday Nic asked me how our banana boy was doing and I corrected him and said: you mean our carrot girl? We have a healthy competition brewing on the sex of our baby. I really think its a girl and call her our girl name in my head and Nic is sure it is a boy and calls it our boy name... we'll see a week from tomorrow (unless we have a shy one on our hands- or rather, in my uterus) who is right! Today is packing day... tomorrow is finish packing and clean the apartment day. We are staying in a hotel tomorrow night and leaving for Utah (to stay at Christian and Errin's new place!) on Thursday morning. Sat night or Sunday we'll arrive in Idaho and Monday we'll move in! We are celebrating Nic's 23rd birthday Friday in SLC! I'll be sure to make a post as soon as we find our computers and whatnot. goodbye california. we really liked you more last time...


Emily Kate said...

I didn't realize you were moving so soon! I mean...I guess it makes sense since it is time for school to start. Do Nic and I have the same birthday??

the binghams. said...

i thought yours was the 28th but maybe i have it wrong in my head.. his is the 29th :)

Unknown said...

You are keeping our dream car!!! Douglas and I aren't moving after all. I guess we are supposed to keep living our dreams after all.

Julie K said...

Thank you for the carrot. The other day, Tommy came up to me and said "Little bit I need a what's up doc". It was really funny when, after a while, I realized he was asking for a carrot. And funnier still, because he hates carrots. But the story just gets even more funnier, because he chewed the whole thing into orange pulp and then spit it out on the floor and recliner. But seriously, we couldn't be more proud that our children have been raised on the classics: Bugs Bunny.
I know you think it's Rivianna, but I know darn well you are hatching Lincoln!