Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ohhhhh changes.

this is going to be a wordy, picture-less post. feel free to stop now and come back to the blog another day if you're not interested :)

well, things are changing around here.
2 things in particular.

1. daphne is potty training today.
am i crazy and does my sister keep telling me this? YES.
we did not want to potty train her this early (she's only 17.5 months) but she kept running to the bathroom, standing up to the toilet and unbuttoning her pants and i just couldn't tell her: "no, pee in your diaper" one more time. so far she's 5 hours in and we haven't had an accident. so that's good. the bad? she also hasn't gone in the toilet. she had a bath about 4 hours and i'm pretty sure she peed in the tub. now she's down for a nap and we'll see how that goes.

2. we're vegetarians.
about 3 weeks ago i had a gall bladder attack. it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. it was from 11pm-1am and i just curled up in my bed crying. it was awful. i had another attack from 3-4am. i don't have insurance and i knew what was going on (they saw gall stones in my ultrasound with daphne and warned me this would probably happen and that i should have my gall bladder removed after having her which i didn't and i haven't had any issues up that point) so, i just endured it but i knew i never wanted that to happen again. so, in the morning i looked up what to do to prevent gall bladder attacks. attacks are induced by fatty foods and so to ensure i wouldn't have an attack, i have to limit fat grams to 15-20 per day. that's about 1/4-1/3 of the recommend amount of fat we should have each day. the first couple of days were HORRIBLE! i was SO starving... i couldn't find anything to eat that would really leave me satisfied. but, i got used to it pretty quick and now it really isn't a huge issue. i can't eat out, eat most things that people eat, go to eat at other people's houses really or eat anything that is "quick" to make which is sometimes annoying. But, i am feeling much more healthy and have a better outlook on food (i think i was addicted?)

so, since i've started this new "diet" (i'm also not eating sugar for my headache-prevention diet...) i've been considering going vegetarian because pretty much all meat that i liked, i can't have anymore. hamburgers, ribs, pulled pork, bacon, CHICKEN STRIPS (my absolute favorite food ever) animal fat is the main cause of gall bladder problems so eliminating most of that out of my diet (though i am still eating dairy and eggs- if they can fit in my 15 grams of fat a day :)
seemed like the best way to go for me. nic has talked about going vegetarian before and was so supportive and wanted to do it with me. he is awesome.

so, that's what's up in our house.
i'll be better about blogging, promise :)


Ashley Wray said...

Holy crap...way to go on the potty training (and the vegetarian thing too!) You'll have to let me know how it goes, and pass along any tips. Good Luck!

Emily said...

I have a low blood sugar issue so I have to eat tons of protein everyday. If I had a gall bladder issue I don't know what I would do. Good luck with veggies and Daphne!!

Julie K said...

Well, I don't have gall bladder problems but I do suffer from old age. It sucks. My body is now very specific about what I can eat and when I can eat it. No more cookies for breakfast. So I salute you for going vegetarian. My Puggy would NOT be supportive. Do you weigh 27 lbs yet?

PS. I didn't say you were crazy.....oh yeah, I guess I did.

Austin and Sarah said...

So now you will experience the veggie restaurants in denver, austin and I are meat eaters but there are so many more options for you guys here what with whole foods and all.

the binghams. said...

i know sarah! another awesome reason to be excited for denver- like i needed another reason :) can't wait!!!!

We are David, Shauna, Clark and Dali said...

I'm sorry Kirsten!! I hate gall bladders. They are useless.