Sunday, October 26, 2008

No, I am not pregnant. Why do you ask?

Oh wait... I can't even hope to get away with that lie anymore! (I have never actually said that but I've really wanted to- I am just always too excited to gush about my pregnancy that even making a stranger feel extremely uncomfortable isn't worth it) so here it is everyone... my enormous belly. Tomorrow I am 30 weeks!!! 7.5 months and that means only


As is evident from the pictures, I am pretty thrilled. 2 and 1/2 months sounds like there is still awhile left but 10 weeks! that sounds fabulous! I am feeling pretty OK. nothing I can't handle at this point. But, stay tuned, I'll be bitchin and moanin in no time, I'm sure. This week has been really good except we are on an eternal (or so it seems) search for an awesome crib. (that is in stock somewhere in utah or idaho and doesn't cost over say... $350) i think it is impossible but we really don't want to settle- i want it to go with the rest of our house and be something we can use for lots and lots of kids. here are ones we like but for one reason or another we can't have (out of stock, way too spendy, the mattress isn't adjustable or there isn't a drop down side (i have short arms) or they don't ship here)
we still have a few weeks to figure it all about but my nesting instincts make me want to turn Art Center (what we call Daphne's room because we keep all our art supplies in there for the time being) into Daphne center. Hmm... I am trying to think of some thrilling things to share with the readers of our blog but I am pretty much drawing a blank. We are still loving school and still doing tons and tons of homework. evapaul has really picked up in the past 2 weeks again and we're really grateful for all these spring/summer brides who are planning ahead! Life really is fabulous. I am married to the greatest guy and even when i feel huge, have a horrible headache or am just generally unpleasant to be around (what? not me!) he still loves me a lot a lot. I can't say enough good things about him but just know-- i really couldn't live without him nor would I want to. till next time- loves from idaho <3


Julie K said...

Soo nice to be back in the blogworld with you again. I am always looking for a new post from you two. Love the belly. Isn't black just the greatest invention? It was fun to chat with you today, even though it was a bit chaotic and not private on my end of the line. Mmmmm, we had tri-tip. I love Mom and Dad. Why are you fretting about a crib? That baby is gonna sleep in your bed, regardless. Oh yeah? Prove it!

the binghams. said...

no, no, no she won't! you are wrong. just like Daphne is not a boy... she will not be sleeping in our bed. you prove it!!

errin julkunen-pedersen said...

well lookie who's leaving comments all over the place. must be something special in the water. or, it could be this lovely case of insomnia i've developed (though i guess it's not insomnia if you fall asleep and want to sleep 8 schedule's just all janked up). Have you checked the magic wal-mart crib? it's the one ashley chose and it's beautiful, seems totally quality, and while not in stock, would probably get there before you need it...also, your preggy belly is darling.

The Strouds said...

Thanks for the belly pictures! Amod all the moving and craziness I only managed to take 2 preggo pictures of my belly and I regret it now. So snap away!

the binghams. said...

Well hello Errin! Its so nice to see you here :)

yes, the first picture is the walmart crib and i really really like it. it doesn't have a drop down side but the mattress height adjusts so that should be good enough (i hope.. i have no clue how to buy a crib and obviously my sister is of no help) but who knows when it will be back in stock! hopefully soon- they are emailing me.

Hilary said...

I love your belly! It's looking ready to pop, imo, but I guess you still have room to grow!?

Ikea has a crib for $80 but it's probably not good enough. I dunno nuthin bout that stuff.

I'm coming to Rexie (not sure when but somewhat soon) for a couple weeks so I'll get to see you in "real life" finally! I'll let you know when.

Ashley Wray said...

Love your belly, you look so cute! Hope you keep feeling great! The last 10 weeks will go by fast, maybe not to you, but to everyone else I'm sure they will! HAng in there!

Julie K said...

She will sleep in your bed the minute you figure out how to breastfeed lying down (or rather, as soon as SHE figures it out) and that is just the way it is. Go ahead, try and prove me wrong. I know my baby stuff. Sleep deprivation is real. You will crave sleep like you won't believe. Hmmm, I sense another "Motherly Advice" post coming on....

Travis and Jaqui said...

I am so happy to see you!!!! I love the bump. You are so adorable. ADORABLE!!! I miss you. Those cribs are "bitchin" and look expensive... lol.

Adrienne said...

They say 30 is the new 20, and you look it, girl. Adorable. I love shortie preggies. You're on the home stretch! Er, maybe I shouldn't say "stretch" right now -- you're swearing at me, aren't you.

the binghams. said...

hahah.. no, its cool. my skin is doing pretty ok at this point. i looked up other baby bellies at 30 weeks and wow... those stretch marks can be INSANE!!!

and just so everyone knows... we went to the DR. on Monday and everything was great. They said I was measuring exactly on (so when everyone thinks I'm ready to pop i guess thats just what it is to be 7.5 months pregnant)

not that our blog readers are the problem, but i am making a podcast about how to ruin a pregnant lady's day. just fun things that random people, people in the ward, mother in laws, cousins (kidding!) say to the pregnant women in their lives that make them feel bad. its going to funny- i'll post it here when i'm done. i think its due in 2 weeks or so.

Ceci and Steven said...

Haha, Kristen you're funny. I look forward to reading that...I might have said a few things you're going to list, so I will shut up now! Hope the Crib situation is solved, and why don't you want her to sleep with you? I wouldn't want a newborn away from me for a minute, but that's what I'm saying now that I have NO clue! Anyway...glad things are good and hope you continue to be this happy till the last day! Love Ya!

the binghams. said...

i would be way too afraid to roll over her or have the blankets/pillows ect suffocate her. though it would be convenient I'm sure there have been tons of infant deaths as a result so i am not going to take my chances. she will be close, in a co-sleeper right at our bed but not IN our bed :)

the binghams. said...

i would be way too afraid to roll over her or have the blankets/pillows ect suffocate her. though it would be convenient I'm sure there have been tons of infant deaths as a result so i am not going to take my chances. she will be close, in a co-sleeper right at our bed but not IN our bed :)

Julie K said...

Uh, not to be a total brat, but wouldn't that be sleeping with you? Not right in between you two, but attached to you bed is pretty much the same thing. It doesn't count unless she is in her own bassinett/crib. Otherwise, she IS sleeping with you. Sorry, I don't MAKE the rules, I just make others feel judged by the rules:)

the binghams. said...

oh Julie. You're so funny. Its not attached to our bed but it is right there.. so, think what you will. i am loving this friendly, sister banter.

Julie K said...

Well then, my mistake. I thought co-sleepers had only three sides. What is the difference between yours and a bassinette, then? (how fun to have a long disjointed conversation via comments page. Anyway, this doesn't count for your total comments Little Sista!)

the binghams. said...

haha... oh, it totally counts. well, co sleepers can have a side that comes off but we have a platform bed so we'll keep the sides on since our bed is so close to the ground and the co sleepers are made for normal height beds (for normal people to sleep in, i guess) so, i can see how you would have been misled. co sleepers, from what i've read on the "web" (dad) are supposed to be the safest. they have these certified mattresses that, along with a pacifier, reduce the frequency of SIDS by 94%. I'm glad we're all sorted now :)