i am REALLY not a good homemaker.
i'd rather blog than clean.
i'd rather go out to eat than make/clean up after dinner.
the list goes on...
so if i can find products that may not be thrifty, but at least allow me to enjoy the process/make the process a little easier, i am all for it.
first of all: purex 3 in 1.
i love just throwing a sheet in instead of moving the huge laundry detergent down (which i would buy to try to save money) and then repeat with fabric softener. these things are SO easy. and if you go to: http://www.purex.com/ they will send you 2 sheets for free. i just got some in the mail yesterday though i was already an avid user. 2 free loads of laundry.... yes please!

along the same lines, i love these little gel packs for the dishwasher.
besides selling pest control over the summers, this is our first house with a dishwasher.
it used to be SO exciting to fill it and unload it, the charm has worn off a bit- i don't LOVE doing the dishes anymore, but i definately don't hate it like i used to. And just to clear the slate- i no longer have hidden dishes waiting for me on top of the dryer like i did at our old house. these gel packs do such a great job and never leave anything to try to scrape off the next morning (GROSS) so i love them.

and finally... if you know me well at all you'll know i have super oily skin and hair. i hate it but my mom said she had oily skin and now she doesn't and she doesn't have many wrinkles so maybe one day i'll be grateful. (when i'm in my 60's apparently)
so i have to wash my hair everyday and i'm jealous of the girls who are like: oh, i wash mine like once every few days. no can do with my hair, i've tried.
until i saw this commercial for tresemme's new fresh start line.
i bought the dry shampoo and i'm currently loving my unwashed hair today! i didn't really believe that adding MORE product could help, but it does and i love it. so, there's your endorsement, go buy it.
sorry if i sound like a commercial but i always find it helpful to read real-life reviews from friends (so post them, friends) so there's my list of 3 must haves to make your life a little easier!