Friday, July 16, 2010

18 month stats

just as i thought... daphne has lost weight.
i guess we all have been in our family. unfortunately, i'm the only one who needs to be!
she hasn't grown at all either (since her last check up 2 months ago)

29.5 inches tall [below the 5th percentile]
19.8 pounds [below the 5th percentile]

the doctor said there was no need for concern (but he did recommend a gummy vitamin for her with b12 since she doesn't eat a whole lot of meat.- and no, we're not making daph a vegetarian. i don't cook meat [or eat it... obviously] but if we go out to eat daphne still has chicken or at sunday meals with the family and she does eat the same soy meat that we do on occasion too)

he just said we'll watch her growth charts at 2 (her next check up... i'm going to CRY! she's so old) and see how she's doing. He said she's probably just going to be a short, skinny person. Thanks for your good genes Grammy!! I'm glad she's got the Bingham metabolism, not the Pedersen one :)

He was happy with her developemental milestones and said she's doing more of what they expect a 2 year old to do, instead of an 18 month old, so that's good.

Her biggest fit during the appointment? you'd think it was when they pricked her finger for the lead test.... nope. it was stepping on the scale. cried so hard.


Steph said...

Yeah, Eden has always refused to be weighed. I always have to hold her and get myself weighed. Daphne is so cute and little! I'm not surprised she developmentally ahead!

Julie K said...

Yeah, but does she cry when she hears the little bunny foo foo song?

Daph is adorable. My kids always tell me this (as if I didn't know!) Can't wait to see short stack when we go to Utah!