we moved away to CA. 8 days after we got married we jumped in the volvo and headed to CA. this may not seem like a big deal but leaving our families and all that was familiar was a pretty big step. we sold pest control together. we had so much fun. we ate lots of applebees. we watched the office constantly on our 7-in personal dvd player. we moved back to IDAHO. we started school again. we didn't want to but we did. we lived in a teeny tiny apartment on college ave. we made great friends with our neighbors- the shumates and the alexanders. we started evapaul
we fell in love with san francisco. we went there for our first anniversary and have wanted to be there ever since. we got to go down 3 times during the 2008 summer but

daphne was born! january 2nd, 2009. of course she is the biggest and best thing to happen to us in the last 2 years. i still can't believe how much we adore her. she fits right in with us. she's perfect. we went back to school, again (again) we were off for the winter track and i was hesitant to go back to school and leave daphne with her grandma, but i'm glad i took the leap. it still is hard for me every monday and wednesday but taking these 2 classes this semester means i will graduate in december! i'm so so excited. nic has found in the last year what he loves to do. i am SO happy for him. he is going to apply for his bfa in graphic design. yay! we bought a bus! its been our dream for along time and we got it! it is so fun and we love