Monday, March 24, 2008

I dreamt of a fever one that would cure me of this cold winter

I am not exactly sure when it happened but I am afraid that because it has, things might never be the same. Nic loves the apartment to be hot. I know he didn't grow up in a sweltering house- I've been there and it is kept at quite a pleasant temperature. Probably on the chilly side of pleasant actually, so I know he didn't grow up this way.. I am just imaging that this love for a hot, hot house came from when he was roommates with Ben Olsen. This is when I met Nic -four years ago. Nic remembers a time while they lived together when they had nothing to eat. They had no money and I guess painting house numbers on the curb for money had not gone well that day and maybe it was too soon to go back to the plasma center but either way they were poor. Nic says this happened often and so when they did get a few dollars it was time to feast. Ben and Nic would pool their meager resources together to buy a little chicken, a few potatoes and I am not exactly sure what else. So one during one of these rare dinners they left the oven on. THREE weeks later they discovered that the burning oven was the reason their apartment had been feeling extra warm lately. But, I think thats when Nic fell in love. I know for certain this is when he fell in love with me, but unfortunately for me, this is also when he also fell in love with being hot at home. Its one thing to enjoy some nice, sun-generated warmth outside but a little furnace apartment is quite another thing. No breeze, no precipitation, no relief. In the Bingham home its also summer. 

1 comment:

Megan said...

Okay so I am totally with nic on the heat thing...but OMG I knew you would have a blog! So how are you girl? So I don't know if nic still talks to his old roomie ben...but I totally think he and his wifey were in the same temple session as us in houston. let me know, your evapaul store is so dang cute and if I had a party or money i would totally buy something!! I love you girl!