Let me tell you why:
{adventure. I am so glad I married an adventurer. it's so fun to do new things together and be in a new place. i am such a planner and Nic makes me be a bit more spontaneous}
{we are going to make enough to put a down payment on a HOUSE!} {selling pest control is every girls dream}
{our apt. in CA is so nice. we have luxuries that we don't have in Rexburg such as a garbage disposal, dishwasher, a pool and air conditioning!} {we get to park where we live.. unlike our current parking situation} {carls jr is on the same street} {sunshine} {THE POOL} {all the awesome things we are going to buy with our MONEY!} {ikea is in sacramento. pretty close}
{we really like the people we work with} {photography in a new place} {we are going to see Kjell, Sarah and their kids Drew and Chaz! yay!} {ANNIVERSARY IN SAN FRANCISCO} {it is still snowing here, which is awful} {change. it will be nice to be in new place with my best friend}
we are leaving in about 3 weeks. we get to see my parents in SLC before we go and that will be really nice. we are definitely going to miss being in idaho with Nic's family and all of our bitchin friends but we'll be back in just 4 months (it's awful that most of you are moving :(
on a happier note: we went to the Etsy page today and there we were! ON THE MAIN PAGE! If you aren't familiar with Etsy they have people (or the Etsy people themselves, in this case) hand pick 12 items to feature. Usually they have some sort of relation like theme or color. Today it was weddings in black and white and our mollie & tanner invite was featured! We've had tons of views on it now and so many more people marking us a favorite shop (like 50 people today which is INSANE!) so we were really excited. This is the invite! <3> thebinghams